Sonoma Wine Country Weekend

With a quickening of the pulse & the lingered memories that cause hunger to creep in, I am reminded that it is almost time for the culmination of bounty in my county, Sonoma Wine Country Weekend. I have a long time affair with this event. When I originally heard about it, in the space of tender beginnings of full food & wine appreciation, I put it to the side as a someday happening. As the years continued I moved it lovingly to the shelf I label bucket list due to the culmination of colliding obligations with the unchanging event weekend timing.

As a natural helper & hard working lady that is often lured to do things in the name of charity or assisting a friend, I did what is second nature. My first view was from behind the curtains of volunteering for all 3 events including helping to set them up. Work wise, the views of Fridays, Sonoma Starlight event held at the scenic Francis Ford Coppola Winery in Geyserville where top notch. There was a decadent bounty of warm evenings, pool views, lights, music, fabulous food & wine gems from the best wineries. After a long & sweaty day of work I folded myself home, but I couldn’t stop talking to my husband about how lovely the event was laid out, how fun the music was & how amazed I remained by the fabulous guests dressed to the nines.

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The next day, was a little more difficult to pull myself together to work, but as I parked in the vineyard at MacMurray Ranch in Healdsburg I was ready to get a long day started. I checked into the volunteer center quickly & observed the layout of this event. Brilliant tents separated by AVA (American Viticultural Areas), so you could fully plan your day exploring. Wineries representing the libations made with world class fruit by talented winemakers tucked alongside beautiful foods prepared by passionate chefs, was mind blowing. The day was long, tending to the needs in the tent I was assigned too & after a day surrounded by look, but don’t touch I was ready to say a quick hello to friends while trying to find my car so I could beat the crowd home. I knew that I would have to put down the helper hat one day & attend this event, but sometimes that hat is just hard to take off.

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I don’t know how I awoke so early on Sunday to set up the auction, but when I got there I felt blessed that I could be a part of a team that put so much work behind the scenes to raise money for local charities. I was asked to stay for the auction, but after 3 days of work, between my regular crazy normal work schedule, I explained kindly that I would like to leave before guests arrived knowing that the linens where lovely & I would see photos later. I read later of the fundraising accomplishments, quietly smiling that I could offer my services to assist in whatever small way I could. In future years I never pulled the 3 days together again, opting for Friday & Sunday service so that I could enjoy a day of boring household duties that somehow nurture peace & puppy play time.


I skipped a few years due to other obligations, choosing to partake in online bidding. I donated & received some great auction lots. Last year was the first time I bought tickets to the Saturday event, because I wanted to see from the other side of the table. It did not disappoint. By this time, I knew quite a few more people & luckily attended with a dear friend. I love taking photos for memories & sharing, but it appeared the vision of real camera shocked a few people leading to laughter a plenty. It felt wonderful to peruse the various tents dappled with wine & food that is not just visually stunning, but palate pleasing! Other than seeing winemakers & chefs while enjoying their talents, this event is so well put together it appears to have a sparkling bow on it. If you could desire a flavor, from comfort to decadent, you will find it here.

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Trying to summarize why this is an event you can’t miss is difficult because there are so many words on various pieces of this puzzle. The only way I can think to explain it, is to consider what would I tell a person that asked, “What did you do this weekend?”. Have you heard about Sonoma Wine Country Weekend? It is a beautifully thought out event that showcases the very best food & wine from the county while raising money to assist is great local charities. I discovered new wines to fall in love with while enjoying lovely plated food. I even stumbles upon delicious breweries & other local delights. I would continue to describe in detail some of my favorite finds encouraging people to adventure to the winery or restaurant of delightful memory.

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There is an array of events this coming Labor Day weekend that have your name all over it!

Cheers to another great piece of Sonoma County magic!

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